Washing Machine In - Tree Out

Our new washing machine arrived at 07:30 - so I didn't have to wait around long. It then took me an hour or so to fit it, I had to cut some pieces out of the laminate flooring to accommodate the feet which were in a slightly different position to the old machine. Heavy work as I had to lift the machine in and out a few times to get the position right. All sorted and then after a 'pre-wash' to remove all the crud from inside, it was down to business - four loads ready and waiting and all done now and dried outside.

Shortly after I finished installing the machine the tree 'surgeons' arrived to prune a tree at the front of our house and a huge hedgerow behind the house which was overhanging our garden. All the waste was shredded on site and this is what I shot for blip. I tried to get a suitable shutter speed to be able to handhold and keep reasonably sharp and to be able to show the shredded matter hurtling into the van

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