Xena will very soon be one year old! She is a Rottweiler and her mom says that, "now that's Xena's one she'll...fill out!" Oh my!...'fill out'? Anyway, she plays 'well' with the other dogs except that she's apparently beginning to realize that she's much larger than everyone else and uses her size and weight to her 'advantage'. We have to watch that she doesn't playfully 'dunk' another smaller dog and then sit on it in the pond. She, of course is just playing but we watch carefully so no one gets hurt. Xena's mom has been talking about maybe adopting a rescue Rottie, you know... so Xena can have a playmate! As much as I love Xena...I can't even imagine TWO of these big sweeties in my house, let alone feeding them! OMG! So this is Xena...today's 'Cutie at the Dog Park'!
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