Remotivation cont.....

By Federico

Hybrid chili......

7 pot mustard chocolate chili........
Grown by the Cherry Chili Company in the neighbouring village to ours, this is a nasty little so and so, tried a quarter of a pod last night with my nutter of a mate who lives across the road from us!!

Upon the first chew you get a taste much similar to a yellow pepper, slightly earthy and the sweetness comes through followed by nothing for a few minutes then a stabbing pain starts on the tongue escalating to your cheeks and then the back of the throat, endorphins start to kick in when the sweat starts, followed by the eyes glazing and your skin flaring up in a red glow, fingers tingling and pulse going higher as the chilis toxins rifle through your senses, Phil even mentioned his hearing was affected for a short while, me it burned then and for ages in my chest and stomach well into the night!!

Not for the faint hearted this one, I'd rate it as hotter than a ghost chili for sure :)

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