Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Flea Shampoo?

Rocky has been scratching and scritching for days, but I couldn't see anything on him, so assumed he had got an allergy to something.  Off we went toVicky the Vet yesterday, and she took one look and him and prescribed a flea-killing tablet, and an aerosol can to spray all the carpets, curtains, and furniture with.

Oh, the shame!  AND it cost me £56!

On the plus side, my house has never been so clean!  I've stripped and boil washed all bedding, dog and human; vacuumed every square inch of floor, having moved all furniture so I could get under it; steam-cleaned the hard floors; sprayed each room in turn, as prescribed; and given my hairy wee pal a bath.

He's still scratching, but I suppose it will take a day or two for the tablet to kill all the critters completely.  G and I are itchy too, but I'm pretty sure it is just the power of suggestion! 

We are off out now for dinner at a lovely French restaurant in Crieff, as a belated anniversary treat to ourselves.  I'll have to try very hard not to scratch in public!

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