Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Father's Day

5.10 pm: I'm glowing from falling asleep in a hot garden, the sun having been playing hide and seek with the clouds but doing more than enough to make me bake. That's what father's day is about. Doing nothing.

Girl Racer got to Bangkok okay. Had a lazy start, didn't get up until gone nine. Went to Cafe Rouge for brunch, which some members of the party perceived as a fail because the service was a shambles and we had to send back lukewarm food ... for me it wasn't because I was with people I love and to be fair to the harassed manager (who looked about twelve years old) tore up the bill and asked for forgiveness in a genuine way, so those of us that did eat did okay. TSM gave up and had something at home which was a shame but hopefully if we go back in a few weeks they'll have improved.

Went to our local art gallery briefly, TSM and The Dizzle pictured here from a height, engrossed in the cultural program for the Olympics and teenage text messaging respectively. The massive bronze head that is part of the permanent collection is not bovvered; he's seen it all before. After the dump and Morrisons, and a little bit of gardening, I then got my session in the sun.

Feel exhausted. Resting does that to you. But I think I may need to program more sleep into my life generally, these are tiring times...

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