Sunlit tree

Well, as we thought, all wide awake by 7... Isabella woke at 3 for her feed, so that was us awake, but amazingly Olivia, Caitlyn and Paige didn't stir :-0

We all had breakfast.....porridge, shreddies, jam sandwiches, eggs and soldiers, fried eggs on toast, were the requests, which we managed to fulfil ;-)

Then we all set about gathering up all their belongings, toys, suitcases etc. which saw them leave ours around 11.30. A quick tidy up, all toys back upstairs until the next time, travel cot, high chair and safety gate back into the garage.

We had a quick walk round to th paper shop, and had a coffee, before youngest and his wife arrived for a couple of hours, to show off their new car ;-)

After they left we grabbed a sandwich, before I set about making a steak,and ale pie, a plum crumble for tomorrow when mum is coming for the day. Also,prepared all the julienne veg and chicken for a stir fry for ,dinner tonight, whilst hub popped round to,daughters to take a look at the new kitchen which is partially fitted now.....looking good.

Today's blip,is another's literally one of the trees on the walkway that we take when we go,for a walk.....I like the sunlight shining through the leaves and onto those seed heads, I think they are.....not sure what type of tree it is to be honest.

We're having a relaxing peaceful evening after three busy days with another on th cards tomorrow, off to pick mum up around 11 in the morning rest for,the wicked ;-)

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