Sunday Afternoons Delight

It was a wonderful sunny day but there was a cool breeze. This afternoon I thought I would take a walk to the gardens to see which Spring flower were out.

In my extra shots you can see Narcissus 'Grand Soleil d'Or' with all its wonderful flowers. The other two shots are of people enjoying the lovely spring flowers and the sunshine.

About the Crocus
The name of the genus is derived from the Latin adjective crocatus, meaning saffron yellow. Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus), a species of crocus in the family Iridaceae. The word Crocus is Latin for Saffron.

The word saffron originated from the 12th century Old French term safran, which derives from the Latin word safranum. Safranum is also related to the Italian zafferano and Spanish azafr?n. Safranum comes from the Arabic word asfar , which means yellow, via the paronymous za?faran , the name of the spice in Arabic.

Saffron-based pigments have been found in the prehistoric paints used to depict beasts in 50,000-year-old cave art in what is today Iraq. Later, the Sumerians used saffron as an ingredient in their remedies and magical potions.
For more interesting information on the Crocus

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