
We’re not generally fond of the wood pigeons that visit our garden. They scoff the food we put out for the small birds and they poop on our patio. But when one of them appears in our garden injured and bedraggled my natural “aww it needs taking care of” instinct kicks in. I feed it seed and water in its own little dishes, make soothing noises at it, check on it every few minutes and give reports to Igor.

Rain is forecast for this afternoon. Lots of it and I fear that the poor invalid won’t survive a big downpour so I google “injured pigeon”. Amazingly from those two words Google understands my need. The first thing that comes up is the address of and directions to St Tiggywinkles in Aylesbury. 

So that’s where “Woody” ends up. I have to sign a release form to say that I won’t be coming to claim him back and there are no visiting hours so “Good Luck Woody. Get Well Soon!!”

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