
Completely crashed out last night, don't remember a thing until 6.45.......and even then went back to sleep until 8.30 when hub brought me a cup of tea :-) needed a good nights sleep.

We had a tremendous thunderstorm last night, quite spectacular lightening and thunder so loud we couldn't hear the TV!

This morning I drove over to pick mum up and bring her back to ours for the day. Despite the storm it still felt muggy this morning in the hazy sunshine. Mum was ready and waiting when I got there. We drove back, it was 26 degrees and spent a lovely 2/3 hours in the garden, had lunch outside, pottered, a bit of deadheading, mum did her word searches, hub cut the front lawn, picked yet more tomatoes and beans ;-)

It got really windy late afternoon and clouded over, so time to go indoors......mum soon gets chilly these days ;-)

We had the steak pie, with beans, carrots and buttery mash for dinner. We couldn't manage the plum crumble so mum has taken hers home in a doggy bag ;-)

Not much time for blipping again today, so just a quick snap of our liatris, which always reminds me of a bottle or loo brush : -o

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