Tea for two...

Or make that 9!
Daddy toddled off to shooting, we stayed put. No 8 o clock milk for Wom and he stil fell asleep just after 9. He still prefers to be cuddled to sleep but I'm not complaining.
Went to M&S for supplies, boots for tiny shampoo and matalan for daddy pants (Munchie told the shop lady all about daddy needing new pants!) sky got darker and darker. Ethel put her lights on, so dark it was eerie. The heavens then opened. Torrential rain. Had to sit in the car for 5 minutes once home just waiting for it to ease off.

Afternoon spent watching lion king amongst other things, giving pedicures, Munchie painting my toes, literally and general silliness.

Followed up by tea at the pub. Carvery action. So much food, so much meat. Not the greatest sitting down action from Munchie. She wanted to go on thr bouncy castle she had spotted in way in!.

Home, silly time in the bath
Cuddles and milk, Wom also dropped his 5pm milk (poor love!)

Adventure starts tomorrow.

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