
By tookie


Celebrated Big R's 66th with a hike up to Rattlesnake Ledges that with the newly made switch backs etc. ended up being about 5 miles all together rd. trip.  We wanted to do this in preparation for our late Sept. Maine trip when we want to try and hike to the base of Mt Kathdin in Baxter State Park--to Chimney Pond where some 40+ years ago we hiked.
   We did make it up and back...but our joints are strained and ache and my feet and knees are very very sore!  Muscle rub creme and soaks are needed!   I won't be going up there again, but it was good to get an idea of what we can expect after we try the Maine hike! At the top I asked a group of young folks to join me in serenading Big R with Happy Birthday and they happily did so that group along with the wee baby sticking it's tongue out at him is in the collage:) The haze in the images is from the smoke from the many burning wildfires!
    What a crazy mix of things went on during the hike too---seemed like a multimedia circus as we hiked.  There literally were hundreds that climbed up there today over the five hour period we were on the trail .  People in all kinds of outfits and shoes---some very fitting for hiking and others not at all so!   All ages from wee babies to us geezers.  Many families, many young people in groups of 15-20...unbelievable amount out for the climb.  One young woman had celebrated too much the night before and was barfing periodically along the way and over the edges--not a pleasant time for her or us to pass by, so many with the phones going the entire time and some playing music, zillions of dogs many misbehaving (we did NOT bring our hooligans)--weather was hot and dogs were struggling along with some of us!  When we finally reached the top one group (with the barfing girl) was loudly playing gangster rap with very inappropriate lyrics.   There were groups of the smokers looking for lights and then the ones getting high from weed as well as altitude.  There were ledge jumpers at the top taking risks and joggers who immediately turned back for the run down.  What a multimedia experience and diverse group of hikers overall.  Fascinating really altho definitely NOT a zen day of wilderness hiking.  
   But we made it up and back and ended with a meal at a cafe nearby and then home to foot soaks and rubbing muscle creme into the joints.  

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