
By Nigel

Wet Pussy

When I left the house this evening there was no indication that it would pour down later on. Unfortunately the cat was out and I forgot so whilst I was out admiring art at Boda Bar the cat was sat outside the house getting drenched.

The art was Steve's who's blip name escapes me but he is on here somewhere and was attended by Mr. Blip himself and Gav also made an appearance along with Lulu.

Our new bed arrived today, and despite it missing an M8 25mm coach bolt (a bag of which I happened to have in toolbox rather fortunately) I managed to get it built before bedtime which makes it one whole calendar month that we have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor so tonight is going to be the best night's sleep in a 31 days.

I also managed to fit in a trip to Lupe Pintos for supplies and stop off at Pulp Fiction to plug some holes in my Asimov and Dick collections (fnar fnar).

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