that's my kid!

My son was under there, being pinned for twenty seconds in a Judo competition!

I love him participating in Judo for the fitness and fun, being part of a dynamic club and for the respect it teaches him but it's not easy watching him compete when he is in a hold. Thank goodness his other passion is dance, that is enjoyable to watch in every way!

We are currently in the process of rearranging our house, the children are growing and they now have needs for a place to 'study'. We are lucky we can work with our space but it sure is a long winded process. Slightly sped up though by Sienna leaving the en suite bathroom tap running for about 4 hours last night which saw it flood through to the girl's room. Cue to the girl's ceiling needing to be stripped of its paper this morning - just the wake up call, Steve needed to remind him it was Father's Day!

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