
By seathreepeeo

Mono Monday: Balance

All it takes is a little upset to knock you off kilter.

At 3am the husband woke with severe abdominal pains.  But 4:30am it became apparent he needed to go to hospital.  At first an ambulance was refused until the husband had spoken to an out of hours doctor.  A further 30 minutes in agony before we received the call back and then a further 25 minute wait for the ambulance to arrive.

At hospital the husband was give morphine and had a CT scan which revealed a 6mm stone in the kidney and a probable cyst on his liver.

I later received a phone call from a morphine addled husband to tell me he was lost in the hospital somewhere.

He's home now and resting.  I am being a dutiful nurse, until my patience wears thin and I start plotting his early demise.  Soon... soon.

Mono Monday is hosted by TheAphid

Extra: Watching Cartoons

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