I've got no strings to hold me down...

Up until now, Gollum has been tied to something on all our group shots and then the lead has been edited out of the picture later. Today he was like a little Pinocchio... There was no lead string to hold him down. He sat - and stayed - all by himself. Clever little man :-)

We woke up to rain and thunder at 5 am this morning. Lukily the rain stopped at 6.15, when I got up and Gollum had his usual 30 mins of play in the garden before our morning walk, which was also dry.

At 8 am, when I arrived at work, the rain and thunder started again and has continued most of the day. 

Our afternoon walk was not exactly dry. 

Home now - and rainy wet weather does not make it easier to have a busy little puppy. I don't want to be outdoors and Gollum does not want to be indoors. Gollum doesn't want to be left on his own outside neither, so that makes things complicated. At the moment I am buying myself a couple of minutes peace with a chew ;-)

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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