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By pplnani

Fade to Grey

A beautiful bloom from my daughter's new garden with some faffery to represent the dreadful weather we've had all day :-(

A very early start so that I could prepare a pack daughter has quite a few dietary exclusions, so it's really hard for her to just walk into a shop and pick up a prepared lunch. We managed to get loaded up, travel an hour to the new house and half unloaded before the heavens really opened big time, so it could have been worse but it was a shame it didn't hold off a bit longer.
The last thing unloaded was the large bag containing lunch and my daughter was really pleased to have such a choice after all her hard work......"that's such an excellent thing to do" she said "such a 'Mum' thing, thank you so much".......that was priceless for me and well worth the early start and current exhaustion.......I'm a very happy bunny despite the appauling weather ;-)))

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