Back on the Road

You can tell I've been to work when you see shots like this ... haha!  What else is there to report?  Not much.

There wasn't all that much at work, either.  Waiting for them to put that extra class in so that I can start mailing the re-sitters to 'come all ye faithful', trying to arrange it so that my second year homeroom class is the same one I get to teach (even the coordinators say it's more convenient to coach a class who's getting lessons from you), and using the rest of the time to prepare my daily exercise menus.  As I've said before, Mondays are usually free, but I'm working on a couple of them to get some necessary work done and that gives me a couple of free days in the bank for withdrawal later.

Other than that, we've had some rain.  The sunny parts and rainy parts intertwine the whole day and that means carrying the umbrella along even though the sky looks cloudless.  I think, though, that I'll need to wear a sweater at work -- for the airconditioning.

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