Baking Day

We headed over to Bicester this morning to spend the day with Miss K, Miss M and Miss A.
As usual it was lovely to see them and the girls were so pleased to see each other.
They all took themselves off to play immediately so Miss K and I had plenty of time to drink tea and chat. Perfect!
I love seeing Miss E with Miss M. She's always loved spending time with her - and been in awe of the older girl (a year's a lifetime at that age!!) They came downstairs all togged up for going out in the rain and announced they were "going round the block". 
Miss E looked so grown up and proud of herself as they set off clutching their umbrella. It was like looking at a different child - a little glimpse of the person she's going to be in a few years. 
Obviously I hated every second she was gone but at the same time enjoyed knowing how much she loved the freedom.
And I have to remind myself that at her age I was out and about all day long with friends and in and out of everyone's houses. It's nice for her to have a taste of that.
After lunch we did some baking. I was struck by them all stood in the same place almost exactly a year since I took this
We started off with the out of date flour which tasted of TCP and made cheese straws. Only the pastry was too sticky to roll out and cut into strips properly so they cut out shapes and made cheese "biscuits" instead. They were a bit gritty but at least they didn't taste of TCP!
Then we moved onto the out of date ready made pastry to make jam tarts. Only the out of date pastry was mouldy so had to go straight into the bin.
Not a culinary triumph but they enjoyed themselves. 
Apart from Miss L who got the grumps in the middle of it all and took herself off to watch Sofia the First. For all her extrovert happy personality she sometimes does get a bit overwhelmed and gets teary about every tiny thing.
She soon perked up and they had a lovely afternoona playing. 
Miss K and I drank more tea and chatted. 
We didn't leave until 6pm!! 
I dropped the Little Misses at home with Mr K and headed back to the gym. Operation Lose Ten Pounds seems to be going quite well. Even if Miss K did force me to eat chocolate digestives!!

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