Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Goodbaaah for now

Getting up at 4am tomorrow to head off to Venice for 3 nights. Italy are playing a vital game tomorrow evening so it should be an amazing atmosphere (although there might be a struggle to find somewhere to eat - can't imagine anyone wanting to work!)

So I might not be blipping for a few days but there'll be back blipping :o)

It was a gorgeous day today, a walk to Hawksworth and back, finding some sheep with attitude (What baaaaad manners eating with your mouth full!) I think Summer's going to be here next week and I think it'll last till September. I have no basis for this. Don't buy things on this premise. It might snow for all I know. But I always hope for a long hot Summer and it's about bloody time we had one!

See you in a few days :o)

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