
We ventured into Malaga today to do some shopping and experience some of the festivities for the Feria. 

It was very hot, but fun. It was super busy, and there were crowds everywhere that made it difficult to get around. We saw several groups of people dressed in traditional costumes, playing instruments, clapping and singing, and also dancing. 

We stopped to watch two ladies dancing Flamenco inside a circle, with everybody else clapping and singing the Sevillianas. It was hard to get good photos, but we tried!

We stopped and had some lunch- delicious Padron peppers, ensalada rusa, and some sort of thing that was supposed to be a tortilla but in reality was anything but! We didn't touch it! 

We stopped at Plaza Mayor on our way home for more shopping, then finally back to our little town for a drink.

I was so glad to be home. ( See pic of mama at our computer! Painfully slow internet :-( 

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