Para Recordar

By erinhull

USA Pro Challenge

Bike racing. 
Something I have pretty much never photographed. 
No time like the present to learn. 
Fun fact, at large bike races one can not simply show up at the finish line to photograph the end of the race.
One must show up, locate a media person and sign up for a photo vest.
And the vests have numbers on them. And the lower your number the more sway you have during the finish. So, let's say you are vest #3 and I am vest #39 (which is what I was I believe. I was pretty much the last number due to the fact I had no idea I needed a vest). And I've got a prime spot to watch the finish. Supposedly #3 vest is allowed to come over to me and ask me to move. 
But don't worry, I avoided eye contact with the photographers and no one made me move. I'm actually not convinced it's a real rule. Maybe just something the security guard made up so he could watch me sweat. 

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