Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Mr Smoothie

He's such a smooth operator and no girl can resist a smoothie!! I've even been told by a professional photographer to the A list stars who had done a photo shoot with none other than a certain Mr Clooney, that Roo was far better looking!!!

Shame he doesn't earn George's money!!!

I'm afraid I've been slightly lapse on commenting for awhile, my home internet went down last week, phone as well and it's took them a week to get us hooked up again so we've struggled on a limited 3G signal, and for two weeks now I felt crap (can I say that) I'm fed up of waking up feeling ill, I'm hoping I've turned a corner now as sore throats gone and head cold is slowly going,

So thank you all for putting up with my not very exciting blips and lack of comments....
My school reports always read must try harder and likes to natter!!!!

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