The Big Guy

Today I counted six Evening Grosbeaks on the deck railing, four males and two females. They have settled in nicely. I still see the Blackheaded females but they are now hanging back a bit. The Evening guys are bigger and they flock together with their buddies. 

Today I was home by myself. I've been doing photo stuff and generally being quiet as I have a bit of a summer cold. First I thought it was the smoke but now I'm sneezing and realize it really is a cold, my third this year. Seems like enough to me. 

Arvin is at his "little group" as he calls the Alzheimer's Society of Washington Staying Connected group. Those are the folks we've been socializing with lately. It has been really great. 

I had a long chat with my son Jason this afternoon. I sure do love that guy. We talk about serious stuff and I enjoy his thoughts about things. He is a smart and thoughtful guy. We got talking about the stages of growth, our genetic heritage, my life situation, his life situation, Very great to do that. He is 46 and is going through a time of transition in his life. I've done that many times. It is part of the pattern of growth. Here is what I said to him...

These times are really uncomfortable but also very important for growth and for living the life you really want. It is a stage. You reach a plateau. Life seems stable and great. Then it starts breaking up and crumbling. It no longer feels right and you itch to find out what does. This is part of the process of growth. It can be painful and I think that's why people opt out. Some people decide to ossify instead of keep growing. I think that is really old age. Not how many years you have on you.

I thought I'd put it here too since I like it. :) And it comes from 72 years of growing and learning about life. Sometimes I actually feel like I am a person with wisdom. Other times I feel like a blithering idiot... but that's another story. Ha ha.

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