I love shoulder rides!

We are staying with Aunty Becci and Uncle Nev for the weekend and we had planned to go to Noosa Northshore to do some driving on the beach but unfortunately the weather wasn't very good.
We decided to go in to Noosa for the day and have a walk through the National Park. Because we were planning a beach day Mumma didn't bring my carrier but thankfully we managed to borrow one so I didn't have to walk the whole way, but I was happy to ride on her shoulders for a little while too. We were very lucky to see some kookaburras, two owls, two galas in their nest and...a real life wild koala! It was amazing and made everyone very happy.
Then we went for dinner in a lovely restaurant by the beach and after lunch Mumma let me have a bit of a play in the sand. I really do love the beach!

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