Gitama's World

By Gitama

Burn Off & A Lovely Surprise

A Pano.....
...I cannot remember stopping on the highway to take pics even though I often drive back home at Sunset when I stay with Mum ......... I have seen some amazingly beautiful skies.....but I have never stopped and got out my camera.
After a big Day with Mum and visiting Dad...I was longing to get home and have a huge cup of tea........but I stopped.
I had to take a pano of 8 shots to capture this awesomeness...and even still I don't think I have done it enough justice......the sun was sinking behind the mountains and the smoke from a huge fire was capturing the colour.
There was a lot of burning off .....(very timely) felt that the weather had skipped spring and launched into summer today and there were several sightings of snakes...they are waking up.

Mum and I needed to talk to a social worker about Dad when we arrived at the Rehab centre.........when she came out of her office It was so wonderful to see that she was an old friend........I don't often see her..we are not hugely close....but she is one of those friends that its always makes something inside of me light up when I see was a lovely surprise.

Had a lovely time with Mum...we laughed a lot......I am happy to be home now though so I don't need to put up with her snoring (she is going to kill me when she reads this.....hehe!) and get a good nights sleep.
Oh and Dad is doing well and they are happy with his progress and so are we.

“Owl explained about the Necessary Dorsal Muscles. He had explained this to Pooh and Christopher Robin once before and had been waiting for a chance to do it again, because it is a thing you can easily explain twice before anybody knows what you are talking about.” 
― A.A. Milne

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