Time Bomb

I guess it should not have been a surprise. Nowadays one reads of so many quite unbelievable stories of mobbing, vitriolic comments and threats posted on social networks.

Luckily I spotted it lying in the post box, a somewhat thick envelope with British stamp. Quickly got out a pair of disposable gloves so as not to ruin any fingerprints which could be useful to the Bomb Disposal & Police anti-terrorist elite units I was about to call.

The stamp itself was trying to hide the person behind the deed. It depicts the London Irish Rifles "Loos football", the 100th anniversary of which is next month. There is a Loose in the UK known only to Nogbad but the Loos here refers to a place in France where in WWI the British used chemical weapons for the first time in an effort to push back the Germans. The Allied failed and suffered massive losses. The football connection comes from a rifleman in the London Irish Rifles and captain of the regimental football team, who against orders, kicked a football ahead of him as he stormed over No Man's Land to his death. Needless to say, this unbelievable story is still commemorated to this day.

What really worried me was the post office's franking stamp: "Edinburgh Festival Fringe 07-31 August". That was the giveaway. The most vitriolic writer on Twitter was a wee lass from Kelsoe hiding behind an innocent Tweet name. She had been bombarding me with words like "Hoolie" .

I dialled 999 and waited... "No connection to this number"

Oh, forgot...it's been a while. Searched the web - the German number was 110 but we now have a Trans European 112 number, it seems. Then just as I searched for the number 2 on the bakelite phone dial, I recognised the handwriting. What a relief.

A thank you card together with some prints of his and girlfriend Laura's stay 2 weeks ago along with his sister Kate and family. Something rather nice about having a real print to hold and bought back some nice smiles. I have deliberately covered up what brought the look of surprise to nephew Elliot's face (centre/top) - showing it would mean my being banned from Blip. I rather like the top left selfie taken at the Ammersee near Munich on our way from the airport - in the background Luna in the lake rather than the normal duck or swan.

Thank you Laura & J and in advance for the other item. I do try and forget such things nowadays!

Before all the excitement, had been for a peaceful walk finding a new spot near the railway line between Sontheim and Stetten. Needed the shade for Flash who even in the cool of the house, was panting buckets of water on to the wooden floor. Angie is doing pretty much the same at the moment, chaos on the Munich to Memmingen railway line with loads of works going on during the holiday period. Yesterday she gave up and drove to Buchloe where although also delayed, there are twice as many delayed trains offering an increased wonderful choice of delays.

On the way had my Blip in the bag but that can wait for another day now - it was only bricks & mortars and assuming the owner doesn't post our local weather on any UK social networks, it should still be standing in November when it may get around to raining around here.

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