The Mountain of Love

Mum said some time in June that (at least) once this summer, we will climb a mountain. As the days have gone by, I have started to wonder if we were really going, but with only a couple of days left of August, today we did it!

The first part is not too dramatic, just up to the Great Rock where we have been many times. The second half is steep. Very steep. Which is the reason we don't go up here on a daily basis. Says mum.

I led the way, and had no problems whatsoever, except that I had to wait for her to follow. I could have done the climb several times had I been allowed off my lead... Not, because of the hare thing. On the summit, we stopped for a bit to try and catch a glimpse of the view through the trees, and then went to check on our geocache. It was in good shape!

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