things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

buzzard & owls...

I've had a frustrating day in a few ways. I'd decided to work this morning but my internet connection kept going, just as I was in the middle of something usually... I said a few choice words at about 11am and turned it off. The forecast was for a sunny afternoon where I wanted to go...however, when I got there, there were very dark clouds & some rain. I grumpily decided to go for a walk anyway & instead of the peace and quiet I usually get at this spot,  there was a loud group of about 30 walkers followed by a dog walker with 8 yapping dogs....

Stll, the sun came out, it was glorious and the purple heather is just amazing! I saw this buzzard on a post and managed this quick photo as it landed in a tree. It then flew off and I couldn't find it again.

My extra is my usual little owl out on the usual wall and another pic of the tawnies from yesterday - a good view of both of them :)

Thanks for all your comments yesterday, much appreciated. 

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