
By Mems

A Helter Skelter Ride

Last day away from reality today. The intention was to relax at the step-daughter's whilst she and her girlfriend were at work,however, I ended up vacuuming the apartment and sorting the laundry, due to needing to keep myself busy. I nipped into Cardiff via train to kill time and and met the Step-daughter for a coffee before heading for a stroll around the shops.
I made it back to the Bay two hours before I needed to leave so had my lunch in the sunshine (the only day of it we've had) along with a 'treat' ice cream by the waterfront. Despite the crowds it was incredibly peaceful watching and listening to the water lapping up the side of boats.
Back to Granny's this evening where I sat listening to her colorful stories- I've never tired of them. We are all working pretty hard to distract ourselves.
This time tomorrow, hopefully the Helter Skelter Ride we're all on will feel like it's coming to a halt .

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