It is always sad to see great gates unhinged.
These wonderful gates used to guard an entrance to the RNTF Alexandria (Royal Naval Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, outside of Glasgow. They now lean forlornly against the back of the shell of the building. The rest of this wonderful building, with it's grand entrance and wide marble staircase has been converted to house those types of shops that give 'outlet' a bad name and an even worse experience.
Sad, because this was the home to the Argyll Motor Works from 1906, and was the most modern factory in Scotland. It never quite survived the death of the owner Alexander Govan, and went into liquidation in 1914. AT that point the Navy stepped in and started building torpedoes until 1970.
Gates are like medals. They should be hung with pride, not left abandoned. Anyone fancy getting one up on their neighbours?
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