
By Fido

Messy Nessy

Once a month at our church we hold a family activity morning called Messy Church. It's an opportunity for families, in whatever shape or size, to have fun, be creative and explore faith together. There are usually a whole host of fairly messy crafty activities to get involved with or some board games, lego, newspapers and coffee if that is more your style. There is always a lovely relaxed atmosphere about the place and we always end with a big communal lunch.

Today one of the activities was to make some of the party food for lunch time (it was our 2nd birthday, hence the party). My little one had a great time helping to make mini sausage hedgehog, a cucumber and cheese crocodile and these bagel snakes (or Loch Ness Monsters?).

I have to admit to opting for the home-made tomato and lentil soup rather than having one of these, but I did each a fair few of the chives while they were being put together.

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