...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Somebunny loves you

Hiking to my car I saw this little lame rabbit. His back leg literally dangled behind him when he hopped around to gather food.
I thought about my job and how, at times I feel like my leg is dangling behind me. How my strength won't carry me through the day. I realize I am not to rely on my own strength.
Who would have known that two years ago I would have started this 'admin' job in a cubicle farm and today I work out of a connex box with one of the coolest views of the city. It isn't easy. It ain't pretty. I smell like a guy buy the end of the day but I get through. And I was told again this week that I was missed.
Hopping through my day on one leg, at times, with one eye looking out for danger, I know I am not facing this alone.

Hoping to catch up on vacay back blips. Just can't seem to get to them.

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