Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ


Aiden wanted a photo of her and Lola this morning and as I need all the practise I can get, I was more than happy to do so.

I'm looking forward to some kind of routine starting back in our lives next week; without it I'm so unorganised.

I'm still working on creating a Gerbera look-a-like paper flower for an enquiry for a wedding. Quickly out something together and the gentleman replied "wow, amazing" so he must like it, although needs a few adjustments. Also have another idea so will put that together soon for him to look at. Thank goodness the wedding is next year!

Trying to brush up on some portrait photography too, I have been asked to do some head shots for someone to use on their website along with some family photos. I did stress I'm not very experienced and never really had an interest in photographing people, so they are aware of my limited talents, so the deal is, if she's happy with the outcome she uses the photos, if not, we put it down to experience.

Plus I have a bookfold test that should be finished today and I've not started - It's all go at the moment.

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