The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Rain, rain

The day dawned grey. Una had caught a head cold and there isn't much to do in Stroud on a rainy Monday morning when all you really want to do is be in bed in London. So we dropped her off at the station, promising to meet at Christmas in Sri Lanka. Yes, really! We've booked our tickets.

I went to work to teach (I didn't have memory loss this week, thank goodness) and then home to do a massage. Then it was time to pack to go to Scotland again. There wasn't enough room for all my jumpers. I finally finished rearranging my bags around 1 am (my suitcase was far too bulky to manage on the train last time) and threw myself into bed, not encouraged by the weather forecast.

I will be offline again for a while. I am backblipping this from a cafe in Oban on Thursday. It's the day of the Argyllshire gathering (massive Highland Games and Piping Contest) and guess what? It's pouring with rain. Not looking good for the caber-tossers.

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