An Abstracted Insect

This praying mantris was crawling around on the terrace this morning.  It was quite amenable to being picked up and (relatively)still for a while.  Having said that, it was on the arm of our great leader (the choir's conductor) who wasn't entirely still either so, to get a hand held shot with most of the creature in focus was  miraculous.  Not strictly speaking an abstract shot but this is a strange little chap and is quite abstract in appearance!

The extra shot is a cricket on one of the curtains being pointed out by one of the basses staying here.

So far today a couple of us went in search of the vendages only to find it was lunch break and all the machinery was outside the cooperative winery.  The harvester is an amazing piece of kit and poked the camera into a few place.  Maybe we will get a chance tomorrow to see it working somewhere

Now slowly preparing to set off for the penultimate concert of the tour. Another one that doesn't start until 9 in the evening!.Its exhausting.

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