A Peep Thru the Pinhole

By Brian1943

'April' showers ......

.... in August. So, I walked down the hill into town earlier for a few small errands. (I'm not allowed to drive for a week due to a small medical intervention on Monday - so yes, I walked.) It was a bright day but there were some evil-looking clouds around. I just made it to The Shambles café within the grounds of Bewdley museum in time to dodge what was a wow of a downpour. The left-hand photo shows it still in progress, but only five minutes later I took the other photo.

For those of you who are not resident in the British Isles, this is the kind of weather that happens often in April around these parts. We get the Atlantic weather systems very frequently here, driving in on a westerly airflow. This is less usual for August, but hey, this is England. It's weather, and it happens.

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