Capital adventures

By marchmont

Getting ready

for the Fireworks.  If you look carefully you can see people in hi-viz up on the battlements setting the fireworks.

For me, a busy day.  IS there any other kind?  but I had a slightly later start. Whew!  And more walking, down to Norton Park.  A cancelled meeting meant a slight change to arrangements later. 

The arrangement was the optician who was horrified, nay scandalised to hear that I do not wear my glasses.  That notwithstanding, I ended up over £300 lighter for 2 new pairs, but that is the first new pairs in 4 years, so can't really complain.

Home and more work.  Holidays??  I'm feeling sorry for F, in rehab in SW France after her accident.  She's missing her son's wedding in Provence this weekend.   Thoughts are with her.

After Tuesday's visit to Leith I have a follow up appointment first thing tomorrow.,  I remain calm.

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