But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Preparing to Go.

A long run to Stow was the plan for today but, with a novice on the ride, we missed a loop to keep the mileage manageable. We arrived at the picnic spot to find a marquee and a set of porta-loos (one for everybody) waiting for us. One of the men erecting the facilities gave us some leaflets for the festival this week-end.

A few miles before Stow, I stopped to photograph the view of the new Borders Railway as it runs alongside Heriot Water (first extra) - I feel that it's not so much a landscape as a setting for a picture - while, on the other side of the road, the swallows were starting their gatherings in preparation for the migration to sub-Saharan Africa - but it'll be a while yet  before they gather in large enough numbers to leave.

Just a few miles away, later in the day while on the road to Soutra Aisle, the site of a notable mediaeval monastery and hospital, we passed this pretty cottage (second extra); it looks a wonderful place to live but is remote and small, not to mention the possibilities of being cold and damp. It was complete with a goose sitting in the meadow watching it.

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