
A morning of work and then a trip over/across to Summerhall for Every Brilliant Thing which was pretty wonderful, terrific stuff.

Later on in the arvo The Guest arrived and I thought it was only good and proper that I took him out for a bit of culture which I'll very quickly run through partly in a bid for completion and partly so that his mum and dad can see that we're looking after him properly whilst he's with us. So, a drink in St Andrews Square and then down to the book festival for Unbound, tonight's event being curated by the Neu Reekie guys. Started late so we didn't get to stay for all of it but I think what we did see was pretty memorable and a couple of the poems from Michael Pederson may well have been the most Scottish things that The Guest had ever witnessed. We left just after the strange-looking guy with the inside-out jacket and the crocheted eyepatch who'd been sitting next to us with a three-quarters empty bottle of Jura in front of him took to the stage - Momus, I hadn't recognised him at all.

Some free comedy showcase show up at the BBC tent to round the night off. A mixed bag, but overall pretty good and host Justin Moorhouse's way of dealing with unwanted filming was certainly novel. I won't go into details, but it's something I can now never unsee...


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