.... yelled this little willie as I chased it through the undergrowth today!!!

Pays to have a sort of a sense of fun (or humour) in times like these.... the last couple of days have been just full on with many things (in fact too many) going on!!!

The best part has been needing to babysit Alice quite a bit, now that is just tops. We are also having her for a sleep over tomorrow night first for quite awhile, so should be a fun time!!

Also been actively into organising a Fundraiser BBQ for our Prostate Cancer Support Group next Saturday, and decided to chase up a few old contacts in the local business houses for prizes for a raffle! 
Quite successful, so then had the need of some proper raffle tickets so a rush to get them done in time. 
Ah, all finished! Snags, rolls and bits ordered, rosters done, just need a fine day being the day before Father's day and the treasurer should be very happy again!!!

In the meantime, dropped into my private wetlands and copped an eyeful from this guy..... lol!!

Have a good week end.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE but do not look too close!!!

... also hope to get some back blips done after sorting out the computer software issues, and sorry, but I am still very bad news on commenting.

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