Traveled to Kagawa, one of four prefectures in Shikoku (meaning 'four provinces'). Shikoku is the smallest of the four main islands of Japan, located south of the nation's main island. Until then I had never been out of the main island: I should travel a lot more around Japan, and I'm going to. Also, Kagawa looked like some foreign country in terms of climate and people. I suppose Japan is made up of the provinces that have different characters with each other, which I realised again by this trip.
During the trip I found several English signs but non of them looked special to me. This one, without any English sentence, was particularly impressive: I didn't think I had ever seen such a sign in my hometown; and moreover I had actually been fed up with a number of bicycles passing by before I came to this street. This is what I got to know by a website after coming back home (and I'm not quite sure if it is credible enough), but the percentage of residents in Kagawa Prefecture possessing bicycles is the fourth highest among 47 prefectures in Japan. Maybe this is concerned? And I'm sure such convenient signs are elsewhere in Japan, it's just that I've never seen in my hometown. Anyway, thanks to this sign I could safely reached to the station without concerning about people on bicycles.
I added a photo I took in Shodo Island (a small island in the Inland Sea of Japan). Another photo is added, which is of Takamatsu, the capital of Kagawa Prefecture. It's always interesting for me to try a diorama-like photo when in a big city.
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