
A beautiful day with plenty of sunshine with just a few sprinkles of rain.
An early start with a dip in the Puffin Pool, much needed as my legs were aching abit.
Walked down to Ferry Point to wait for Mike. No coat needed.  I sat on the bench and watched the tide to come in. Lots of redshank and other small waders running along the edge of the water. A very big heron was catching fish between the two old ferry posts. Two Boats, the usual blue one and a white one bobbed about anchored to the seabed.
Tescos was our next stop for breakfast and boring old shopping but I did buy a few large orchids with lots of blooms and more to come for just £2..50 each.
On the way home we spotted some cows so Mike pulled over so I could take some photos, they nearly made it to blip :)  
The sun was still out when we got back so I went down to the Buddleia to see if any butterflies had been attracted to it. They had and I saw small tortoise shell, Red admirals, Painted Ladies and this beautiful peacock. Peacocks mean a little bit more to me as my Mums maiden name was Peacock.

Thank you everyone for the stars, comments and hearts recently. Sorry I can't reply to you all ! 

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