The Open Bridge

Went to work, worked (this is really stretching it ...), went back home.

On the way to work (there are just as many roads to work as there are to Rome), I thought I would visit the Molenwaard area again, this time driving the exact same route as I've done this past week, only now from the other end.  The objective was another windmill somewhere near Oud Alblas.  On the N3, though, the bridge was open and, to kill time, I took only one pano shot.  When I looked at it on the viewer, though, I thought that it was okay as it was, and forgot all about the intended detour to Oud Alblas.  John Lennon was right:  "BLIP is what happens when you are busy making other plans."

I would like to mention that, today, goddaughter C and her boyfriend N got married.  Just a civil wedding but I don't give a hair about that.  They are now happily man and wife.  I am proud of her and what she has achieved. No wedding gown or tux, just simple ... actually, just like hubby and myself 26.5 years ago.  This is her mum.  I may not miss the old country as much as hubby does, but I miss them.  It's the closest I can get to having kin and I need to remind myself that caring for other folks isn't always as risky as it often turns out to be.  Only hubby knows what I mean, speaking like this, and that's enough for me.

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