
By RadioGirl

A Fragrant Blipmeet

The Hitchin Lavender farm proved to be a lovely place to have a blipmeet.  Although the lavender has "gone over" now, we had the pleasure of seeing it actually being harvested (see extras) - so photo opportunities of tractors and geometric lines on the lavender field were available which we wouldn't have seen earlier in the summer.

It was good to see BlackTulip (who organised the meet-up), JohnH1989, AnnieMay and Igor again, and also to meet Nicoiseannie, Cathyben17, BedsWizzard and paulym for the first time.  I was somewhat bemused to discover that paulym had been on blipfoto for a couple of years but not yet posted a journal entry - which he has happily now put right :-)

It seems rather contrary that my main blipfoto for the day is of a patch of sunflowers, but I liked it because it's so colourful and sunny.  I couldn't resist sneaking in an extra photo of JohnH1989 taking shots of the advancing tractor.  No danger of being run over by it, though, as it was crawling along at a snail's pace.

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