The almost-camping-in-Portacloy shot
Camping in North Mayo...
In one sentence: don't.
The kids get all enthusiastic about it, when you mention this mad idea, and it doesn't seem all that mad at the time, on a Sunday afternoon in May, after a nice roast, and maybe a few glasses of wine too many, and you know that you won't have the budget for a sun holiday for five in July, but you still want to give the kids a bit of summer holiday fun, something to remember when they are older, a break from YouCraft and MineTube, and you say "you know what? let's go camping in Mayo this summer!" and they go "yeah!!!" and it all seems like a good idea.
At the time.
You what? You've never been to North Mayo?! Jayzus, please do come for a quick tour. It's free!
(Thank you Raheny! Who braves the shite weather conditions so that you don't have to...)
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