midwife crisis

By lulubelle

turquiose sea

Another stunner of a day. We all enjoyed several cups of tea just sitting in the garden feeling the warmth and watching the antics of the birds at the feeder. Pottered and bimbled in the garden and house, took a stroll (it was that kind of a day) down to the farmers market for a few goodies and a natter. Mike and Yola spent a lot of time revising for her final exam tomorrow - woodwork (there's a lot to more to junior cert woodwork than I would ever have imagined)!
This is a shot from our house looking down the lane to the sea, which was a rather stunning turquoise until I B&W'd it!
The three of us rounded the evening off with a trip to see '10 x 10' at the village hall. A series of 10 x 10 minute plays, most by first time local writers and directors. Very powerful and memorable and very funny in places.
Just another quiet night in Schull considering the topics of homosexuality, mental health, immigration horrors of displacement, rape, sex trafficking, murder. Ridiculousness of religion , sexual harassment, park perverts, war, incest and suicide, loneliness and God. We staggered home traumatized!

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