...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Man down...

Better known as...man down on the ground working on the car.

Brings back memories of when we first fell in love...I would sit on the porch and talk to feet sticking out. Of course I was the tool runner which because this scenario also played out at my home growing up.

So that is how I know so many random tool type things! Yep! Sometimes the guys at work are still surprised how I answer a question or make a suggestion. It's all due to my years of unbeknownst training. I just thought I was hanging out in the garage with my dad or my boyfriend/husband. I was actually getting schooled.

Tomorrow is his car show. He is getting ready. My boss gave me the day off to join him. I am so grateful! And I get to sleep in until 7:00...yeah me!

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