
By Juleshki

Clouds over Belmont

A very slight change to the household routine this fine morning brought about a change of scenery. And how did this come about?

Simply by driving my son to school this morning.
He usually catches the school bus.
Not today though.

I hadn't thought about heading this way as I queued up to drive out of the school grounds. But after driving through morning traffic for a few minutes, I then had the choice of continuing on or making a right turn...

This is the result of an unplanned right turn. Something not many other people did this morning. So few people about.

A few lone cyclists, who wished me good morning.
One unfortunate hare that had come to a very untimely end... bright eyes no more, sadly.
And curlews enjoying the sunshine.

Quite a good unplanned morning.
Has your Monday gone to plan so far?!

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