new shoes for old
This is my left old and my right new shoe. They are the same model of shoe - Asics Gel 1100, re-named Asics GT 1000, but essentially the same shoe. I can't recall how long I had the old ones, but as you can see they have ripped fabric inside and out, they completely mashed out of any shape, and they are filthy. Because I run on farm roads, trails, and parks patronised by dog-walkers, they are probably practically a bio-hazard.
But I can't bear to give them up. They are so comfortable and familiar. The new ones are stiff and squeaky and heavy. I was so convinced that the new shoes are heavier that I actually weighed them, and they are exactly the same, to the gram. I suppose what the old ones lost in tread, they gained in dirt.
Well done, you good and faithful servants.
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