Journey Through Time

By Sue

Picasa Purple and White Dahlia

I haven't played in Picasa for here is this effort.  It's certainly not a Twirl...which I find that a few of my Blip buddies are experimenting with.  The only thing I can twirl is my skirt, but I don't even have a skirt anymore. twirling.  :(     Fun word:  twirl       Must look up word origin.

A blustery, windy day today.  Thought it would be pouring rain today, but, guess what?  It rained some last night....nothing since we've been up and around, but lots of blustery wind.  It's supposed to rain tonight...or will it?  Mother Nature just does her own thing, confounding weather people just for fun, I guess.

I went to the Physical Therapy appointment and the nice young man (well, shoot, they are all seem young now, don't they? If you are older, that's the case anyway.)  determined that my "frozen shoulder" isn't textbook.  It's locked up only on the lower part of the ball and socket, so the exercises I was doing weren't doing a lot of good.  So, he has tried to come up with something else for me to do, which is kind of awkward and I don't know if I'm able to do it correctly.  I go back on Tuesday, so I'll see what else they can come up with.    Only certain movements give me yesterday, when I was going to water some plants, and the hose sprung a geyser-like leak, which was spraying  soaking me, and instinctively I reached out with my left hand to turn off the water....and ......well, curse words, lots and lots of curse words were said.   &#*&%!!!!  Dang, that hurt.  

Hope you are all well.  Thanks for dropping by.

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